About SPC Chad A. Edmundson Memorial Foundation
Williamsburg, PA
In January 2010, the SPC Chad A. Edmundson Memorial Foundation was created to honor the life of Chad A. Edmundson, a young man whose smile, kind heart, genuine nature, and free spirit was an inspiration to so many. He made the ultimate sacrifice when he gave his life for his country on May 27, 2009.
Our mission is to honor his life and sacrifice by helping soldiers, military families, and veterans in need of financial, housing, medical, or basic assistance in Williamsburg, PA, Blair County, and the surrounding areas. Our members are committed to the mission and give freely of their time and energy to help others. Our members are patriotic, law-abiding citizens who uphold the ideals upon which this country was founded and everything that our military is still fighting for today

Supporting Service Members and Veterans In Need
We honor the men and women who are willing to give everything for our country. We strive to give back to all veterans and their families who are in need.
What we provide for veterans in need:
- Moving Assistance
- Communication Devices
- Gently Used Furniture and Household Items
- Rent, Mortgage, Utilities, and Temporary Lodging
- Vehicle Expenses, Car Payments, Car Insurance, and Registration
- Childcare During IIlness or Surgery
- Phone Bills Due to Urgent Overseas Calls or Medical Necessity
- Funeral and/or Cremation Expenses for Military Children Not Covered By SGLI
- Emergency Dental Expenses
- Home & Appliance Repair
- Food Assistance
- Towing and General Auto Repair Services
Supporting Our Community
We have donated to local food banks, The Wounded Warrior Project, The Christmas Carol Foundation of Central Pennsylvania (Forever Media), Sugar PAWS, Combat Veterans Motorcycle Association (CVMA), March of Dimes, PA Out Doors, K9s for Warriors, as well as local veterans and their families in need.
Annual Support
Additional ongoing support we provide to the community includes a college scholarship set up in Chad’s name for a student selected from the Williamsburg High School, a Thanksgiving turkey giveaway for veterans, partnering with the CVMA 22-4 to provide gifts and Christmas cards to veterans at the James E. Van Zandt VA Medical Center, and annually donating to Fort Indiantown Gap’s March for the Fallen.
Military Family Support Services
Moving Assistance
The SPC Chad A. Edmundson Memorial Committee provides military families coping with deployment and injury recovery assistance with local moves. We can provide the physical labor or a moving company to assist a family with the huge undertaking that a move can be. We rely on volunteers and community partners to provide this much-needed service to military families.
We cover:
- moving to new/larger quarters.
- moving items in/out of storage units upon deployment or return from deployment.
- moving from civilian units to military housing.
- loading and unloading trucks locally.
We do not cover:
- long distance moves
- cost of shipping large quantities of items after a temporary relocation.
- airfare after temporary relocation.
- movement of some specialty items.
Communication Devices
Coping with deployments and injury recovery are challenging enough without the added burden of not being able to communicate easily with friends, family, and loved ones. That’s why the SPC Chad A. Edmundson Memorial Foundation offers military families in these situations a variety of technologies to help bridge the communication lapse.
We offer desktop computers, and in some cases digital cameras, to qualified deployed military families. For our severely wounded service members that need assistance of voice activation software to communicate, we provide high-powered laptops capable of managing large software requirements. We also provide GPS and PDAs for our injured service members, as needed.
We cover:
- desktop computers for families coping with deployment.
- laptop computers for severely wounded service members.
- PDAs and GPS devices for wounded service members with traumatic brain injuries.
We do not cover:
- laptop computers for the service member to take on deployment.
- computer upgrades.
- ISP services.
- computers for nondependent family members.
- additional computers for other family members.
Furniture & Household Items
The SPC Chad A. Edmundson Memorial Foundation coordinates donations made by the community to provide assistance to military families. We provide gently used furniture and appliances, household necessities, and baby items as they are donated. Some item requests may involve a waiting list and may not be available in all areas.
We cover:
- standard household furniture.
- baby and children’s clothing.
- baby furniture, strollers, and other accessories.
- most appliances.
We do not cover:
- mattresses (unless donated new).
- car seats (unless donated new).
- built-in appliances.
- adult clothing.
General Assistance
The SPC Chad A. Edmundson Memorial Foundation assists military families coping with deployment and injury recovery as they struggle with devastating budget issues. Financial struggles exacerbate an already difficult time in life. We provide emergency financial assistance with local moves. We can provide the physical labor or a moving company to service members and their families as they take corrective action to resolve their financial situations.
We cover:
- shelter, rent, mortgage, utilities, temporary lodging
- vehicle expenses, car payments, car insurance, registration (only when it is the family’s only means of transportation)
- airfare to transport a family member to assist a military family during illness or for childbirth.
- childcare during illness or surgery.
- phone bills due to urgent overseas calls or medical necessity.
- funeral and/or cremation expenses for military children not covered by SGLI.
- personal property taxes.
- emergency dental expenses.
We do not cover:
- airfare for vacations, R&R, or to meet deployed service members in foreign ports.
- plastic surgery or other nonemergency procedures.
- immigration assistance.
- legal fees or bills.
- credit card payments.
- cable/internet bills.
- tuition and school fees.
Home & Appliance Repair
The SPC Chad A. Edmundson Memorial Foundation provides a little piece of mind to deployed and injured service members with our home and appliance repair program. We offer assistance with the unexpected, routine home repair in partnership with community members willing to donate materials and services. We also provide home modifications as needed by our injured service members.
We cover:
- roofing.
- plumbing.
- electrical issues.
- general appliance repair.
- general handyman repairs.
- modifications for wounded service members.
- heating & air conditioning.
- pest control.
We do not cover:
- repairs to rental units or military housing.
- home purchases.
- service member-owned rental property repairs.
- home remodels.
- home improvements (with the exception of improvements for health care)
- large-scope repair projects not of an emergency nature.
Food Assistance
The SPC Chad A. Edmundson Memorial Foundation assists military families during difficult financial times by providing food assistance in the form of food boxes and gift certificates to grocery stores. While we are not a long-term solution for chronic financial problems, we are able to provide emergency food assistance to those families that find themselves in a budget crunch.
We cover:
- food.
- diapers.
- toiletries.
We do not cover:
- items that would not be considered essential.
Auto Repair
For military families that are coping with deployment or injury recovery, the SPC Chad A. Edmundson Memorial Foundation provides vehicle repair services, through authorized service centers. The average cost of a vehicle repair is around $700 with some repairs exceeding $2,500. For anyone, that unexpected amount out of a monthly budget can be a burden. However, that amount for a family already coping with the stress of deployment or injury recovery can be devastating. Medical appointments, school attendance, and grocery store trips all require safe transportation. By providing this critical service, the SPC Chad A. Edmundson Memorial Foundation helps ease our service members’ financial and emotional burdens.
We cover:
- towing services.
- diagnostic services.
- general repair services.
We do not cover:
- routine maintenance (tire rotations, tune-ups, oil changes).
- second vehicle repairs.
- repairs of modified or vintage vehicles.
- vehicle purchases.
Veterans In Need May Apply to Request Assistance
Are you a veteran in need? You may apply for services online or by calling the SPC Chad A. Edmundson Memorial Foundation at: 814-935-0117.
Our main events to raise funds for veterans include the Memorial Dice Run and Remembrance Day, Annual Cornhole Tournament, and Annual Spaghetti Dinner. We give aid to our active duty service members and their families in times of need. We support our wounded veterans both stateside and abroad sending care packages and clothing.
Board Members
SPC Chad A. Edmundson Memorial Foundation

Robert Bradley
Robert Bradley is the President of the Foundation. He served with Chad in Iraq and has belonged with the Foundation since 2010.

Bobbi Decker
Bobbi Decker is the Treasurer of the Foundation. She is Chad’s cousin and has belonged with the Foundation since 2010.

Roy Edmundson
Roy Edmundson is Chad’s father. He has been a part of the Foundation since 2010.

Sherry Edmundson
Sherry Edmundson is Chad’s stepmother. She has been a board member since 2010.

Brian Wertz
Brian Wertz is the Vice President of the Foundation. He served with Chad in Iraq and has belonged with the Foundation since 2010.

Nicole Potter
Nicole Potter is the Secretary of the Foundation. She is an adamant supporter of the military and has belonged with the Foundation since 2014.

Ernie Swartz
Ernie Swartz is Chad’s Uncle. He has been a board member since 2010.

Lori Swartz
Lori Swartz is the Foundation’s Chairman of Donations. She is Chad’s Aunt and has belonged with the Foundation since 2010.

Jordan Swartz
Jordan Swartz is a U.S. Veteran, Chad’s cousin, and has been a board member since 2010.