SPC Chad A. Edmundson
Memorial Dice Run & Remembrance Day
The SPC Chad A. Edmundson Memorial Dice Run & Remembrance Day is held annually in June at Riverside Park in Williamsburg, PA. There will be vendors, various foods, music, cash prizes for low and high roll, small games of chance, and prizes all day. It’s fun for the entire family.
When: Summer
Location: Riverside Park Recreation Area – Williamsburg, PA
Rider Registration
The cost is $20 for each rider and participating passenger. Registration includes dice run and dinner. All preregistered riders and the first 100 registering riders on the day of the event receive an event t-shirt. All proceeds go to benefit local combat veterans and military families in need.
Same-Day Registration: 9:30 am – 11:30 am

Vendors and Volunteers
We welcome all vendors to participate in this event. Volunteers are always needed and welcome, as well. If you are a vendor and would like to be a part of this event, or if you are interested in volunteering, please visit us on Facebook or give us a call.